Unveiling the Principles of a Successful Social Business in the Jute Industry

A Look at MASK Associates in Bangladesh

Unveiling the Principles of a Successful Social Business in the Jute Industry

The concept of social business has become popular in recent years and transcends the traditional notions of profit maximisation to prioritise societal impact and sustainability.

Broadly speaking, “social business” is a form of business striking a balance between social objectives and financial goals, situated somewhere between profit-maximizing business and the non-profit sector.

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MASK Associates Operates as a Social Business

This innovative approach to entrepreneurship has found a poignant application in the jute industry of Bangladesh through the endeavors of MASK Associates. Our long-standing committment to the community and conservation along with sustainable, ethical business practices are the driving force behind everything we do.

Why the Social Business Model Makes Sense: As of 2024, Bangladesh remains a largely agricultural country, with over 75% of the land mass and 50% of the workforce engaged in agriculture. Pic: a man amongst plants.
Why the Social Model Makes Sense: As of 2024, Bangladesh remains a largely agricultural country, with over 75% of the land mass and 50% of the workforce engaged in agriculture. Pic: a man amongst plants.

Understanding the Essence of Social Business

Such an enterprise is meticulously crafted to address pressing social issues while ensuring financial self-sustainability. Unlike profit-driven enterprises, the primary objective is not to amass wealth but to catalyse positive change and uplift communities.

Profits generated are seamlessly reinvested into the business itself, nurturing a cycle of continuous growth and amplifying the social mission at hand.

The Seven Principles of Success

Guided by the insights of leading economists of our time, including Professor Yunus, the seven principles of a flourishing social enterprise serve as guiding beacons for entities like MASK Associates, aiming to make a tangible difference while thriving in the competitive business landscape. The seven principles outlined by Yunus and Ritz are:

1. Purposeful Objectives

The business must strive to combat poverty and societal challenges, prioritising impact over profit maximisation. While not necessarily a not-for-profit setup, the social model places equal importance on communal food and profitability.

2. Financial and Economic Sustainability

Ensuring the longevity and resilience of the business through sound financial practices and economic viability is essential so that the organisation is able to continue to serve the needs of the population.

3. Investor Ethos

Investors receive returns on their investments without additional dividends, fostering a culture of shared success and social impact. Investors or business owners are seen as partners to society.

4. Reinvestment for Growth

Profits retained within the company are reinvested for expansion and enhancement, fueling continuous progress. This benefits both the business through growth and society as a whole.

5. Social Responsibility

Gender sensitivity, equal opportunities and environmental consciousness are embraced as integral facets of business operations.

6. Empowering the Workforce

Workers are provided market wages and improved working conditions to foster a sense of purpose, dignity, belonging, and empowerment.

7. Joyful Endeavors

Approaching the journey of social business with a spirit of joy and purpose is central to the concept. Such businesses infuse every endeavor with positivity and enthusiasm and work towards a greater purpose.

Embracing the Future of Social Business

In an era characterised by the convergence of technological innovation and social consciousness, blockchain and smart contracts emerge as transformative forces, amplifying the impact and reach of social enterprises. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies allows organisations like MASK Associates to further enhance our operational efficiency and transparency, driving sustainable growth and societal betterment.


MASK Associates stands as a beacon of social entrepreneurship in the vibrant landscape of the jute industry, embodying the ethos of corporate social responsibility through its commitment to collective impact, sustainability, and empowerment.

As the principles of social responsibility continues to shape the narrative of modern entrepreneurship, entities like us at MASK Associates are poised to lead the charge towards a more equitable and prosperous future for all.

MASK Associates is a testament to the transformative power of social enterprise in reshaping industries and communities, inspired by the visionary principles laid out by pioneers like Professor Yunus and Hans Reitz. For further insights or details, feel free to reach out to us.

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